The small blade on the shank of the Cooper Anchor completely eliminates the possibility of the anchor staying on it’s back. By creating a new balance point that rolls the anchor onto its tip and sets immediately. The small blade also increases holding power and stabilizes the angle of attack as the anchor buries because the small blade and the main blade are at the same angle and support each other. All of these features ensure the anchor sets deeply and provides the maximum holding power for your safety and pleasure.
When anchoring in sand, mud or through a change of tide or sleeping over night, shackle or tie your rope/chain through the main hole.
Protecting Our Reefs
Shackle or tie your rope or chain through hole B and use a cable tie through the main hole A. If the anchor becomes stuck, as you pull up, the cable tie will break and the anchor will release backwards without damaging the reef or the anchor.
This method should only be used in reef.
*Hint; When using a cable tie, put it through the anchor twice before going around the rope or chain so you don’t leave it behind when it breaks.